Other Leagues

Hillsborough Little League only offers Spring baseball programs for children ages 5-12 (5-18 for our Challenger division). If your child is interested in continuing to play baseball beyond HLL, you might consider learning more about the following organizations.

Bel-Mateo Babe Ruth Baseball

Jennifer Freeman
(650) 726-0443

Highly competitive league made up of six teams, with tryouts and limited entry based upon whether a player is selected by a team. Teams are made up of players ages 13-15, who return each year to the same team. Known for primarily choosing District All-Star level players from Hillsborough, San Mateo and Belmont.

SEASON: Application forms are mailed in October to people who contact the league and ask to be added to the mailing list. Tryouts take place in December, followed by the draft. Games go from May to July. Games and practices are held in San Mateo.

San Mateo Pony-Colt Baseball League

Wally Souza
(650) 345-7861

Competitive league with tryouts and limited entry based upon whether a player is selected by a team. Some years there is also a "farm league" with several teams made up of players not selected in the draft. Teams are made up of players ages 13-14. At the end of the season, each team keeps four players to return to the same team next year.

SEASON: Tryouts take place in January, followed by a draft. Games go from March into May. Games are played against other San Mateo Pony teams and also against San Carlos Pony teams. Contact the league for forms and more information.

Junior, Senior and Big League Programs

Mark Satterlee, Director
(415) 298-5767

A continuation of Little League baseball for players age 13-14. The regular season for Juniors runs from the begining of April and ends about the first week of June, with practices starting in early March. The regular season consists of approximately a 20-game season, then Playoffs.

Burlingame Youth Baseball Association (BYBA)

P.O. Box 1633
Burlingame, CA 94011
(650) 829-5199

Each team has players of all skill levels. This is good baseball but competition and season standings are not highly stressed. The pitcher's mound is 52 feet from home plate (compared with 46 feet in HLL) and bases are 70 feet apart (compared with 60 feet in HLL). Players are 13-14 years old.

SEASON: February through June. Mail-in registration in October. Walk-in registration dates (at Burlingame Recreation Office) in October and November. Games are played at Bayside Park in Burlingame. Check the website for forms and additional information.

NOTE: Non-Burlingame residents are placed on a waiting list and allowed entry into league on a "space available" basis after registration closes and the number of Burlingame resident players is determined. Usually, 5-10 HLL players move into BYBA each year.

Post 82 American Legion Baseball

17U and 19U
Mike Chanteloup
(650) 678-5616

Season: Memorial Day-August 20th

Little League Fall Baseball

San Mateo American Little League: www.smlla.org
San Mateo National Little League: www.smnlittleleague.com
Foster City Little League: www.fcll.org

While Hillsborough Little League does not offer a Fall Baseball program, some of our neighboring leagues do and will generally accept HLL players on a space-available basis. Teams have players of all skill levels. This is good baseball, but competition is not stressed and no season standings are maintained.

SEASON: September through November.